Product News - 1-3-2024

Great news! It's been a long journey to get to this point, but we will finally have product in the shop and on Amazon by the end of next week. We are very excited to help others on their journeys to reducing their exposure to the harmful ingredients commonly found in other soaps on the market.

In other news, we are working on packaging, designs, and scents for our pineapple-based liquid laundry detergent. We will likely have two scents to begin with and will expand with input from you, our customers. We anticipate the laundry detergent hitting our stores in mid-2024.

We have a variety of other product lines in the works and will expand on the product scents and lines offered in 2024. Please let us know if you have any recommendations for soap scents or other products that you are looking for. We are working on a deodorizer spray, liquid dishwashing detergent, and surface cleaner. Join us on Facebook or drop us a message here.

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